Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Some of These are Jokes-Weekly Blog # 4

As I mentioned when I started this blog, from time to time, I plan to write about places I visit that aren't music-related. This past Saturday, the fearless duo (me and my boo) decided to check out a comedian named Amy Schumer at the Arlington Cinema & Drafthouse. This place reminds us of one of are favorite Austin places, the Alamo Drafthouse theater. I'm not sure which came first ( the Arlington Drafthouse is celebrating its 25th anniversary) but they are both very cool. Basically they operate as traditional movie theaters but instead of offering traditional movie fare like popcorn and candy, you can eat a full meal. There's even alcohol...you know, if you're into that sort of thing. I won't go into who does it better so as not to offend fans of either place, but there are some areas where one definitely outdoes the other.

In addition to offering movies at the low price of $5.50 per ticket, the Arlinton Drafthouse features some really big name comedians. We noticed during our last visit to check out The Social Network that Amy Schumer would be performing in a few weeks and we jumped right on getting our tickets. It's a must to do so in advance because they almost always sell out. We had seen her stand-up on Comedy Central and it had us dying. She is extremely edgy and does the whole Sarah Silverman shock factor thing really well. We actually took for granted how much even a risky cable network like Comedy Central censors comedians. She was definitely not holding back. Her comedy ranged from dating and sex, race and of course, picking on the people in the front row. I am always so impressed by the wit it requires to make fun of people so cruelly of the top of your head. If you haven't seen her perform, check out this clip from her appearance on Ellen (it's the most PC clip I could find).


  1. My bf and I were in the front row and picked on. :)


  2. Hey! Just wanted to let you know, I responded to your post for our class response posts -> http://myprlife.blogspot.com/2011/02/response-post-1-some-of-these-are-jokes.html
